Nuestra Senora del Pilar de Zaragoza

Product number: OC15001-5

ship of the Line

Weight: 0.72 kg
Ready for shipping
The ship, Nuestra Senora dei Pilar de Zaragoza, was the heir of the famous Manila Galleons”, the name given to the Spanish merchantmen that plied the route between Acapulco and Manila. It was the galleons that gave the route its name, although as the years passed it was also worked by other larger ships. The city of Acapulco was the port of origin and their final destination. The construction of this ship was based on the plans and the rules established by Gaztaneta. Built in the port of Cavite she was launched on 12th October 1731. She had two bridges and was fitted out with 50 guns, with room tor 500 tonnes of merchandise and a displacement of 1,000. Her artillery included 22 eighteen-pounders in the first battery, 22 ten- pounders in the second, 6 six-pounders on the quarterdeck and 10 three-pounder mortars on the quarter deck and forecastle. She plied the Acapulco - Manila route for 20 years. technical Data: high 970 mm bright 520 mm long 1110 mm Scale 1:46
age recommendation: +14

WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months due to small pieces which may present a chocking hazard - DANGER OF SUFFOCATION !

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